Saturday, 24 February 2018

Thousands of euros as the prize in our two competitions: Rocket-killPlasticBox and Human Pioneer Award

We reward your ingenuity in the service of society - Up to € 1,000.00

6 awards in total to recognize the personal merit of those who study and develop projects for the good of humanity.

Rocket-killBox and Human Pioneer Award are our two projects for 2019, open to everyone and with free registration.



  1.  Find a solution to recover the polystyrene trays. We're talking about the packaging you usually find with fruit, packaged meat, etc.
  2. Create a video about your design and idea.

The best idea takes 250 euros, the second- 150 and the third - 100 euros.

Comments: The video and the material must be sent no later than 24:00 on September 15, 2020, via Wetransfer (if the material exceeds more than 8 MB) to us: [email protected]

See the rules at the following link.

The names of the winners will be published on the Ethics Expo website on November 30, 2020

Humans Pioneers Award

Follow us to be updated on this incredible project and about the winners.

Goal: To carry out a project of common utility that can improve one of the following themes: people's social condition, environment, education, enhancement of the individual, e development or creation some new forms of labor, etc.

3 "prizes" (in the sense that we will buy the three best ideas/projects and immediately make them public on the web): the best project will be paid €1,000, the second €300 and the third €200 euros.

Please, send us your video via Wetransfer + the project report using the specific form no later than 24:00 on December 31, 2019 at [email protected]

The names of the winners will be announced on March 31, 2020               

Important: Your projects must be:

  1. Absolutely new
  2. Not already patented, not publicly known and never participated in any other competitions
  3. Open source