Alessandro Garilli

(Director movie)

Alessandro Garilli, as director and screenwriter, has ranged from cinematography to experimental video, advertisement and theatre, receiving both national and international recognition (including the selection of Kodak for the European Film Academy di Parigi).
Recently he wrote and directed the short movie “Io sono Rosa Parks” (I’m Rosa Parks) winner of the competition notice MigrArti Cinema 2018 e winner of the award “Best message of the Second Generation” in the MigrArti section at 75th International Film Festival, La Biennale of Venice 2018.
He is also the director and screenwriter of the project “La Seconda Via” (The Other Way), movie produced by Angelika Vision and recognized for cultural interest by MiBACT, as well as finalist art work at Premio Solinas and selected at the European Days of Turin.
In addition, as professor, he taught the course “Scrivere Cinema” (Writing Cinema) on drama applied to cinematography writing in different cities (Mantova, Trento, Verona, San Demetrio ne’ Vestini – L’Aquila).